Health Ministry

The goal of the Health Ministry is to assist the members of the congregation and the community to navigate through the medical system, to educate members regarding a variety of diseases that are common in the area, and to provide social, emotional, and medical support to those in need. The...

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Youth Ministry

Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts, Drama, Cheerleading, Chosen Destiny, Children’s Choir, MIA

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Women’s Ministry (Beloved)

In accordance with the mission of the Church, Beloved, the Women’s Ministry of Brown Memorial Baptist Church supports, empowers and strengthens women to develop an intimate relationship with God , to love each other, to work together, and to defeat all oppressive forces from the past, present or in the...

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Women’s Day

“Every wise woman buildeth her house; but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.” Proverbs 14:1

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Voices from the Field

Established in February 2008, our mission is to empower, educate and promote HIV prevention through non-judgmental and confidential activities and events, in order to dispel the stigma that surrounds HIV/AIDS.

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Trustee Board

Our vision is to see Brown Memorial Baptist Church become a total tithing church giving unto God a portion of what he has blessed us with to do the great work God would have us to do as Christians. God entrusts us with time, talent, treasure and his temple, to...

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The Ever Ready Ministry

The Ever Ready Ministry, yoked with the full armor of God, is open to all. Our mission is to share the love of Christ with the incarcerated, striving to make a difference in their lives with them ultimately coming into a personal relationship with God.

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Tape & CD Ministry

The Audio Tape and CD Ministry of Brown Memorial Baptist Church (BMBC) is a dynamic and ever growing ministry. The mission of the ministry is to bring the Word of God, in its various forms, to the parishioners of Brown and beyond via cassette tape or CD. We are an...

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Sunday School

To develop and teach Christian education. Vision Statement: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word...

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Spiritual Ministry

Our mission is to serve the body of Christ humbly without prejudice towards our brothers and sisters (James 2: 1-5); to study and teach the word of God as it is written; to minister to the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of others and to combine all efforts with our...

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